Park and garden maintenance
The first step to take in order to rationally approach the management of city parks and gardens is to
carry out a green census.
The activities necessary to the performance of the census are the following:
- determine the position, species and dimensions of every tree;
- investigate to determine the phytosanitary criticalities and the maintenance needs;
- determine necessary tree felling.
The investigation method is the Visual Tree Assessment and in examines mechanical and biological
factors of the tree.
The areas of investigation follow:
- analysis of the roots;
- analysis of the neck of the tree;
- analysis of the crown;
- analysis of the trunk.
Some of my projects
Teaching gardens for Dolce Acqua
"Dolce acqua" is an idea, the idea of a shelter home for children and young, unmarried mothers in a
countryside house.
A place where one can find help and at the same time new stimuli.
The teaching garden is the means for connecting the shelter home to the larger community. It is
positive for those living in the house to find positive motivations in life, as well as for those
visiting the garden: (students) to come into contact with the rural environment and natural
vegetation; (parents and children) to interact with one another through games and laboratories and
stimulate new acquaintances between individuals and families.
The garden develops the environmental theme related to the recent regional experiences in “protected
areas for wild flora and fauna” and the “teaching gardens” as well as the theme of identity through
the relationship between humans and the environment and relationships between individuals from
different cultures and generations.
The purpose of this project is to create a “space” where environmental projects can be developed,
favoring occasions for meeting up and spending time together, connecting back to the theme of